Santa Clara Business Council (SCBC)
The SCBC is a Council within the SVC Chamber. Councils are sub-groups of SVC Chamber Members that focus on a particular niche based on something about themselves, their companies, their geographical areas, or their specific interests.
SCBC is dedicated to business & economics within the City of Santa Clara, this Council is the place to be if you are doing business, or want to be doing business, in the City of Santa Clara. The Council regularly hears from city council elected-officials, city staff, and the movers & shakers in the Santa Clara Business community. Council Members are the first to know everything about Santa Clara – what’s coming, what’s going, why, when, and how. You should come to know, too.
SCBC Meetings held on the 2nd Monday @ 3:00 pm (except July & December). Although the length of the meetings vary they usually run about 1.5 hours and are in-person at the SVC Chamber offices.

SCBC Steering Committee
The Steering Committee are the Leaders that make the Santa Clara Business Council happen! They choose the speakers, coordinate issues, monitor City of Santa Clara government meetings, and report on the happenings in the city. If you come to a SCBC meeting and don't know anyone (or only know a few), they are the SVC Chamber Members to meet to start getting connected to everyone else.
Steering Committee Leaders serve for the Chamber Year which runs from July 1st to June 30th of the next year. Though they may re-up for another year, their term is a 1-year commitment. (Maybe, you should ask them how you can become a Leader on the SCBC Steering Committee next year).

Teresa O'Neill
City Council and Stadium Authority
Can You Join in the Experience?
If your company or organization is a Member of the SVC Chamber then... absolutely! The SCBC is a Council (sub-group) of the SVC Chamber.
But, what if your company is not a SVC Chamber Member?
- First, why aren't they? Did you know that when a company or organization joins the SVC Chamber, EVERY EMPLOYEE is a Member? Maybe you should talk to your boss or HR about becoming a Member. If you are at a particularly large company, check with the Government Relations or Community Involvement department, they are the ones who usually drive such things.
- If all else fails, and the company or organization won't join the SVC Chamber - you can still join us. There is a small fee, in that case. You can either Register Now by choosing the particular SCBC Meeting you want to attend or just come and pay at the door.
This Council welcomes you if you are a mover & shaker, or want to be, in the City of Santa Clara. Whether you DO BUSINESS in Santa Clara, WANT TO DO BUSINESS in Santa Clara, or just want to know more, then be there. Don’t let your zip code hold you back (we won’t even make you show off your moves or do your secret shake).